toca life world game

 This newsletter is part of an ongoing collection of statistics-pushed articles from PocketGamer.Biz and App Annie highlighting developments in the global cellular games sector the use of App Annie’s app marketplace facts.

In this week’s column, we’re drilling down into the informal > Simulation > Builder subgenre.

Characterised by way of the revel in of players acting and making choices because the chief of a city or a city, these video games keep to prove very famous.

Over 128 million such titles have been downloaded in Q1 2021.

Presently maximum popular is Toca Boca’s Toca life: global, that is a part of the bigger suite of apps and games from the child-friendly publisher.

The formerly maximum downloaded title become Playrix’s Township.

“Township targets a more trendy target market and carries more sophisticated gameplay capabilities consisting of chat, tournaments, guilds/clans and leaderboards,” commented App Annie’s head of marketing insights Lexi Sydow.

Indeed, rating those games in terms of global app store purchaser spend now not downloads places Township within the #1 role.

“It allows the in-app buy of consumables, energy ups, starter packs and different gadgets, while Playrix additionally complements its monetization approach with in-app ads, supplying a hybrid model to monetize gamers thru the app shop or commercials,” Sydow provides.

Other acquainted titles inside the down load list are Supercell’s Hay Day, which capabilities despite being launched way again in 2012.

More generally, however, its newer titles from the likes of Belarus builders Melsoft and Vizor that have received interest.

For more insight into the gaming region, App Annie’s game IQ is a vertically tailor-made analytics product that provides insight into dimensions along with elegance, genre, subgenre and tags. Video games can now be analyzed with the aid of extensive category class (tuning), style, subgenre, and tags (modifiers) inclusive of IP, art style, settings, monetization mechanic, and extra.


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